
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Purity 249

Purity 249

 Good morning,

Today’s spectacular photo of a sunrise on Lake George comes from our friend at SK photography and design.
After yesterday’s somewhat gray day, I just had to share this bright image to remind us that God is always here for us and it’s okay to appreciate the really pleasant days as long as they don’t affect our overall outlook to where we need sunshine to have a good day.
Although gray, yesterday I rejoiced in praising the Lord as I am drawing near to completion of my thesis and am already making plans for the “next thing”. Right now I have vague ideas about what comes next but I look forward to getting there.
Unlike the world who sees possible changes as catastrophic, Christians should know that regardless of what comes we never lose our hope, for we know God is always available and will be with us come what may.
It’s imperative to remember this and stay in His presence because life and the things of this world are always presenting challenges, pain, and changes that threaten to take away our peace.
We don’t deny the reality of pain, loss, or struggle in our lives, we just remember all we have been given and the One who will continue to provide in the future. When we do this, we can endure anything and can find peace and joy through His presence even in the darkest of days.
Keep walking with and talking to God.
God bless you all!

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