
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Bible Study with the Cincotti's - "Be Angry and Do Not Sin" - 04/18/2021

Today's Bible Study, Authored by Arthur Cincotti. 

Listen to our discussion at: Today's Bible Study Discussion

Be Angry

And do not Sin


Eph. 4:26

         “…do not let the sun go down on your wrath,

         nor give place to the devil.”


Anger is a very real human emotion, part of our complex character, of which the Bible says that we are, “fearfully and wonderfully made”   Ps.139:14


Jesus experienced anger – cleansing the temple, and engaging with the Pharisees – as well as sorrow, grief, disappointment, joy, love and peace.


In our culture we seem to be experiencing a pandemic of anger, and it’s unclear whether people even know why they are angry.


Anger occurs when order is violated


An early example is recorded in Gen. 27:30-46

         43 “…flee to my brother Laban…45 until your brother’s anger turns away from you, and he forgets what you have done to him”


Since the fall, order has been violated in every aspect of creation.

·      Everything God created He declared was good

·      Everything functioned according to His design

·      Sin introduced a competing order


When we experience anger, we may be responding to the disorder of the fall going on around us, or responding with a fallen sense of order remaining within us.


The first is what we call, “righteous indignation”. This is where we must be careful not to let our anger escalate to sin. Eph. 4:26


The second is residual sin nature which we must bring under the authority of the Word of God. II Cor. 10;5


Unbelievers do not have these options. They are responding to the disorder caused by the fall, with a corrupt and fallen sense of the way things should be.

It’s no wonder they are angry.

And that their anger escalates to sin


Very much like sheep without a shepherd; hmmmm!


As ambassadors for Christ, we must ask the Holy Spirit for discernment to determine righteous anger, and help in keeping it under the Lordship of Christ.


The Eph. verse indicates that anger that lingers is unhealthy because it festers…like disease.

Also, we should be slow to apply anger to personal offences because Jesus was never angered by personal offences.


See Jas. 1:19,20

         “slow to wrath” (or anger) allows space for prayer and discernment.

         “slow to speak” puts a lid on our primary vehicle for expressing anger. “With it (the tongue) we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made been made in the similitude of God…these things ought not to be so.” Jas. 3:9,10


“’Vengeance is Mine, I will repay’, says the Lord”

Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19; Heb. 10:3

Three times, I think He’s trying to tell us something!

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