
Friday, May 14, 2021

Purity 418 : Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship

 Purity 418 05/14/2021 Purity 418 Podcast

Good morning.

Today’s photo of a father and daughter flying a kite in the blue skies of Iowa comes to us from a friend who recently made the drive from Texas to New York and presumably this scene was captured somewhere on the great in between.    The photo has its merits. There’s the awesome contrast of the green grass and pine trees against the light to darker blue of the nearly cloudless sky.  There is the father assisting his daughter in piloting the multicolored kite soaring in the heavens, and other families gathered to enjoy the day. There is a barn on the horizon and if you zoom in you can see some Iowans seated on picnic benches.

So there is a lot going on and anyone of these things would be reason enough to share this photo but the reason I am sharing this photo is because of the person who sent it to me.   The photographer is a dear friend who I fellowship with regularly and because of various reasons I haven’t seen in weeks.  But it is Friday and after our unplanned and unforeseen separation we have made plans to reunite Sunday morning.   

My friend also covets being featured as the photo of the day! So because I miss them and because the photo does have its own merits I decided to “throw them a bone”.  

But seriously, of the many things that God has provided us with in this life, we should be thankful for the people that He has given us as friends and family. As much as I talk about the Christian path of discipleship and our individual experiences with God, I would like to officially make it clear that the Christian life is not to be lived in isolation. 

Christ said that people would know His followers by the love they had for one another.   So that necessitates our being in relationship with other Christians and not only that it indicates that our relationships with one another go beyond a polite nod, handshake, or elbow bump at the weekly worship service.  We are to love one another. That means we get personal and that we make ourselves vulnerable to one another.  And although we may have been hurt or devastated by broken relationships in the past, we decide to take a chance and reach out and share the love that God has poured into us.  

If our efforts don’t fulfill our expectations, God taught us to be secure in His love and to forgive those who fail to receive the love we tried to share.  Even if the “love connection” of a close relationship or friendship isn’t made, we should never regret offering our love to others and remind ourselves that our intentions were good, and God knows our hearts.  

But man, when those connections do happen, when we make a new friend or find someone we can relate to, we are rewarded, and we are reminded that God is love and that we are meant to be in relationship with others.   

So this weekend, appreciate the people, or four-footed friends, that you have in your life who allow you to love them.  Thank God for the all the relationships you have known and what they have taught you. Remember that even though all the loves of your life may not have lasted as long as you would have wanted, the love you gave wasn’t wasted. The love you gave and the love you have reflects the love that God has for us and when you express it you give Him glory.   

I don’t know what your situation is but, but brother or sister, if you have read this far or are listening to this on the podcast, I love you for it.  My encouragements are empty words unless they are received. So thank you.  Let’s keep this love train rollin’.   

And as always, keep walking and talking with God, and if you feel moved to say it, tell the Lord that you love Him too.


This morning’s meditation verse is:

Psalm 23:5 (NKJV)
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.

Today’s verse paints a picture of the security and provision that we find when we come into harmony with God through faith in Jesus Christ.     

“In the presence of my enemies” sort of tells us that God recognizes the state of the world and the hostile environments Christians find themselves in.  Christ said that the world hated Him and so we could expect it to hate us who follow Him as well.  It wasn’t a matter of if we would be persecuted as much as it is a matter of when we will be persecuted.    

But the Lord assures us of our eternal security and let’s us know that He is with us in the midst of the storm.  I have suffered loss and trauma at various times in my life and I can assure you that the sufferings I had before coming to Christ were worse that the sufferings I had after I made Christ my Lord and Savior.  While the situations and degrees of suffering varied somewhat BC and After Christ, the big difference in the amount of pain and heartache I experienced was that After Christ, I knew I wasn’t alone, and I had someone to talk to and to give my burdens to.  The Lord was with me 24/7 and there was nothing I couldn’t share with Him. I also knew that even though I had nothing in my experience to validate my feelings of hope that somehow He was working all the things I was going through for good.   I sure couldn’t see it all at the time but now I know that Romans 8:28 is true. God does work all things together for good, and here’s the key, for those who love Him.  

If you don’t love the Lord, if you are not in relationship with Him, the world is a cold and lonely place.  Trust me I know. I wasn’t saved until 2010 and oh brother the cold winds of tragedy and heart ache left me depressed and hopeless many times before I found the Truth.  

After we come into relationship with Him though, we are cared for.  That’s what the table and the oil in today’s verse represents, God’s love for us.  God does love us. He does care for us.  And when we get a revelation of His continual presence in our lives and of all the things He has done and currently does for us, we will be like the psalmist and proclaim that He provides more than enough. We will proclaim that “my cup runs over.  

I invite all to where I always share insights from prominent Christian counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk. 


Today, in continuing recognition of mental health awareness month, we continue to share from Dr. June Hunt’s “Suicide Prevention: Hope When Life Seems Hopeless “.

As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage all to purchase Dr. Hunt’s books for your own private study and to support her work. If you need this title you can find it online at several sites for less than $5.00:

III. Causes

Anger ... sadness ... despair ... grief ....

Of all the emotions associated with suicide, hopelessness is the most predominant—the painful feeling that signals for far too many that it’s time to give up. To those who have lost hope, the faulty assumptions are: My future holds no promise. ... My wrongs won’t be forgiven. ... My dreams won’t come true. ... So goes the fatalistic thinking of the hopeless.

But God has a message to those who feel so miserable: “Put your hope in Me, the One who is sovereign over all of your future ... the One who can forgive your mistakes ... the One who has a purpose and a plan for you.” As long as there is still breath in your body, there is still time for God to dramatically turn your life around. The Bible says ...

“Anyone who is among the living has hope.” (Ecclesiastes 9:4)

A. Who Is Most Vulnerable to Suicide?

It’s a grim statistic ... that should move every one of us into action when we hear someone seriously alluding to suicide. According to the World Health Organization, almost 3,000 people around the world die by suicide daily. And for every 1 death, between 30,000 to 60,000 more people attempt to take their own lives.

Actually, suicide is a secondary response, meaning suicide is a behavior that is a response to a deeper problem. Therefore, we need to be aware of how to help suicidal people handle their deeper problems. Realize ... one day God may call on you to step in and stop a person on the verge of suicide. ...

“Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. ... Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more.” (1 Thessalonians 4:9–10)

  • Suicide attempts are more likely within the 1st year after an unsuccessful attempt.
  • Suicide rates are higher in sparsely populated areas.
  • Suicide rates are higher among those who are single, separated, divorced, or widowed.
  • Suicide rates are highest among white men over 75 years of age.
  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for people 10 to 24 years of age.
  • Suicide occurs more often among nonreligious people than among those who have a strong belief in God.

Fewer Suicides Among Christians

Question: “Why are incidents of suicide so much lower for those who are committed to Christ?”

Answer: Those who hold to Christian ethics and a biblical worldview, and who are connected to and involved with traditional Christian churches have ...

  • A social and spiritual faith-based support system
  • A more direct way to cope with high stress
  • A greater sense of purpose in life
  • A positive hope for the future
  • A conviction that suicide is wrong
  • A belief that God is at work in their lives, even in the midst of their trials

One reason for the lower numbers of suicides is that those in the family of God are told to ...

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Biblical Counseling Keys - Biblical Counseling Keys – Biblical Counseling Keys: Suicide Prevention: Hope When Life Seems Hopeless.

----------------------------more tomorrow------------------------


God bless you all!


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 Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship







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