
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Immediately Answer the Call and “Get ‘er Done” - Purity 620

 Immediately Answer the Call and “Get ‘er Done” -  Purity 620

Purity 620 01/05/2022  Purity 620 Podcast

Good morning, 

Today’s photo of a sliver of a crescent moon and the fading blues and pinks of sunset over the Hudson River comes to us from yours truly as I was blessed by this sight upon arriving home last evening.   The sunsets in our area of upstate NY have been amazing the last two evenings and the fact that we get to enjoy these sights periodically should fill us with wonder and the urge to praise and thank the Lord for all that He provides.  

It’s Wednesday and as we make it to the midweek point and seek to get over the hump, I would encourage you to face the problems that surround you and if you can deal with them, immediately.  

It’s not always easy but I like to practice what I preach and sometimes you are put to the test when your day just begins.  This morning, I was greeted with a problem upon waking.  As I slept my children messaged me with the news that they are concerned that there is a wasp’s nest somewhere in our home as they have both been stung by wasp and seen a total of 5 wasps in our home in the past month. 

While part of me felt tempted to text back a pithy reply like “Deal with it” or with an exasperated question like “What do want me to do about it?”, I instead took their concerns seriously and used part of my morning to examine the woodwork in the basement to see if I could see any signs of wasp infestation.  So armed with sealing compound, bee spray, and a flashlight, I went about the task of trying to address this problem.  

If nothing else I sealed up a few holes where cold air was coming in but in truth I did discover one hole that seemed new which received a healthy dose of bee spray in addition to a sealing compound plug.  So I advised my kids via messenger of my efforts and asked them to remain diligent in reporting any future instances of wasp activity.  

This morning’s task brings to mind my philosophy on dealing with problems that I have arrived at after years of suffering the consequences of procrastinating (which is just word that means doing nothing), denying a problem exists, or just hoping a problem will go away on its own.  My philosophy is to address and try to solve problems as soon as possible as they arise, as in immediately.

While waiting on the Lord will be absolutely necessary as part of our faith walk, God created man to “tend to the Garden” and be stewards of the things that He has entrusted us with.  So if something goes wrong and the problem needs to be addressed or a task needs to be performed, I have learned that it is best if we do so immediately.  

Putting things off for another time may be wise in some instances, as we can discern what the situations at hand require, but I know that I have a penchant for forgetting things so if I can, I deal with problems as they come because I have learned that in this world broken by sin, another problem or task to be done is right around the corner. 

So “get ‘er done and get ‘er done now” is sort of my problem solving philosophy of life and actually is the disposition that we are to take when walking in the Spirit.  When a problem arises or a call from the Lord comes, we should take action immediately.  

I did a quick word search of immediately at and found that many of the uses of immediately either describe people taking action or people being miraculously healed.  

Matthew 4:19-20 (NKJV)
19  Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
20  They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

Acts 16:10 (NKJV) says
10  Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.


Immediately, they left their nets! Immediately, they sought to go!  Move it. Move it.  


Our lives of walking in the Spirit are directed by the Holy Spirit, so if we get an intuition to do something that is out of the ordinary and seems to be good, I have learned to obey “the call” immediately.   I have been “directed by the Spirit” to pray for people, to do good deeds, perform work, and to make decisions that I later wondered where I got the wisdom from and in every instance it has resulted in good and left me with no regrets.   

As for the appearance of immediately in the Bible regarding the healing, scripture indicates that God heals miraculously in an instant.  If a healing miracle is to be claimed today, it should only be applied only to instances where the person received immediate, complete healing. 

Before you say I don’t believe in miracles because of that strict classification drawn from scripture, I would say that I believe that all healing comes from God, miraculous or otherwise as God also heals through His providence.

As Creator and Sustainer of all things and Sovereign King over His creation, the Lord sets the conditions and grants healing providentially through non-miraculous means.  Why does one treatment work for one person and not the other? Why do so people get sick and die and others get sick and recover?  God’s will, grace, mercy, and providence all play a hand in our experience in ways we can’t understand or direct.  His will, rather than our will, will be done.    

But God does set those conditions in our world that we can learn from and adhere to be healed.  We can take steps to live a healthy lifestyle and deal with problems immediately that will cause stress or suffering if they are not addressed. The “healing” that we can receive is the peace we can have knowing that we have fulfilled our roles as stewards over what we have been given and then trust the Lord to help us knowing that He is faithful to do what is right.   

We can’t control everything, and we can’t demand that the Lord will bless us as we wish, but we can be faithful to answer His call on our lives and to be responsible stewards over what we have received.  

Walking in the Spirit is supposed to be a dynamic interaction with the Lord in which we are actively seeking His presence, wisdom, guidance, and strength as we try to discern His will for our lives and skillfully deal with the situations that arise in our lives in a way that solves problems and represents Him on the earth.   

So rather than putting off to tomorrow what you could do today, consider doing it immediately.  Sometimes we can cultivate the fruit of the Spirit of peace and joy by being responsible and taking action to maintain, to fix, or to perform the things that God has given us in our lives.  So keep walking and talking with God, and when you do keep your eyes open to be aware of what situations need to be dealt with and when you should take care of them. And don’t be surprised, if the Lord encourages you to do them immediately. 

Today’s Bible verse comes to us from “The NLT Bible Promise Book for Men”.

This morning’s meditation verse is:

2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NLT2)
3  But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.

Today’s verse speaks of the reality of the Lord’s care and the clear and present danger of the enemy.  

One of the popular worship songs being played currently is “Promises” by Maverick City Music. The chorus of that song resounds with the declaration of “Great is Your faithfulness to me” speaking of God’s care, guidance, and presence in our lives echoing today’s verse’s simple truth that the Lord is faithful and He will strengthen us and protect us from the evil one.  

The evil one is Satan, the enemy who lives to steal, kill, and destroy.  His tactics include deception, accusation, condemnation, and temptation to lead us astray. He can also influence others to do his will and harm us.  

So we not only have to be steadfast to monitor what is going in our thoughts and what we are putting before our eyes that may lead us into temptation, but we must also be wise and discerning when it comes to the company we keep.   

The implication of today’s verse is that when we follow the Lord and His ways for our lives we will receive His strength and His protection.  That protection and strength doesn’t only have to come in some miraculous or providential way.  By following the Lord and living according to what the Word of God says, we are shielded and armed for battle to resist and defeat the enemy.   

The Lord provides to those who ask, seek, and knock.  So seek the Lord by faithfully applying His word to your life and you will be strengthened and be guarded from the attacks of the evil one.  


As always, I invite all to go to where I always share insights from prominent Christian theologians and counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk. 

Today we continue to share from Dr. Neil Anderson’s . “Restored: Experience Life with Jesus”. Today, we continue sharing from Chapter 3.   


As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage all to purchase Dr. Neil Anderson’s books for your own private study and to support his work.


In Step One you dealt with counterfeit guidance. In Step Two you will determine if you have been deceived. Scripture teaches that Christians can fall away from the faith by paying attention to deceiving spirits.64 We can also be deceived by the world, deceive ourselves, and wrongly defend ourselves. We need God’s help to determine whether deception has occurred, so ask for God’s guidance as follows:

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are the truth, and I desire to live by faith according to Your truth. The truth will set me free, but in many ways I have been deceived by the father of lies, the philosophies of this fallen world, and I have deceived myself. I choose to walk in the light, knowing that You love and accept me just as I am. As I consider areas of possible deception, I invite the Spirit of truth to guide me into all truth. Please protect me from all deception as You “search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalm 139:23, 24).

In the name of Jesus I pray.


Prayerfully consider the lists in the three exercises below, using the prayers at the end of each exercise in order to confess any ways you have given in to deception or wrongly defended yourself. You cannot instantly renew your mind, but the process will never get started without acknowledging mental strongholds or defense mechanisms, which are sometimes called mental flesh patterns.

Ways you can be deceived by the world:

·       Believing that acquiring money and things will bring lasting happiness. (Matthew 13:22; 1 Timothy 6:10)

·       Believing that excessive food and alcohol can relieve my stress and make me happy. (Proverbs 23:19-21)

·       Believing that an attractive body and personality will get me what I need. (Proverbs 31:10; 1 Peter 3:3, 4)

·       Believing that gratifying sexual lust will bring lasting satisfaction. (Ephesians 4:22; 1 Peter 2:11)

·       Believing that I can sin and get away without any negative consequences. (Hebrews 3:12, 13)

·       Believing that I need more than what God has given me in Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:2-4, 13-15)

·       Believing that I can do whatever I want and no one can touch me. (Proverbs 16:18; Obadiah 3; 1 Peter 5:5)

·       Believing that unrighteous people who refuse to accept Christ go to heaven anyway. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

·       Believing that I can associate with bad company and not become corrupted. (1 Corinthians 15:33, 34)

·       Believing that I can read, see, or listen to anything and not be corrupted. (Proverbs 4:23-27; Matthew 5:28)

·       Believing that there are no consequences on earth for my sin. (Galatians 6:7, 8)

·       Believing that I must gain the approval of certain people in order to be happy. (Galatians 1:10)

·       Believing that I must measure up to certain standards in order to feel good about myself. (Galatians 3:2, 3; 5:1)

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have been deceived by (confess the items you checked above). I thank You for Your forgiveness, and I commit myself to believe only Your truth. In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Ways to deceive yourself:

·       Hearing God’s Word but not doing what it says. (James 1:22)

·       Saying I have no sin. (1 John 1:8)

·       Thinking I am something I’m really not. (Galatians 6:3)

·       Thinking I am wise in this worldly age. (1 Corinthians 3:18, 19)

·       Thinking I can be truly religious but not bridle my tongue. (James 1:26)

·       Thinking that God is the source of my problems. (Lamentations 3)

·       Thinking I can live my life without the help of anyone else. (1 Corinthians 12:14-20)

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have deceived myself by (confess the items checked above). Thank You for Your forgiveness. I commit myself to believe only Your truth. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

·       Ways to wrongly defend yourself:

·       Denial of reality conscious or unconscious

·       Fantasy (escaping reality by daydreaming, TV, movies, music, computer, or video games, drugs, alcohol)

·       Emotional insulation (withdrawing from people or keeping people at a distance to avoid rejection)

·       Regression (reverting back to less threatening times)

·       Displaced anger (taking out frustrations on innocent people)

·       Projection (attributing to another what you find unacceptable in yourself)

·       Rationalization (making excuses for my own poor behavior)

·       Lying (protecting self through falsehoods)

·       Blaming myself (when not responsible) and others

·       Hypocrisy (presenting a false image)

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have wrongly defended myself by (confess the items checked above). Thank You for Your forgiveness. I trust You to defend and protect me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

The wrong ways we have employed to shield ourselves from pain and rejection are often deeply engrained in our lives. You may need additional discipling or counseling to learn how to allow Christ to be your rock, fortress, deliverer, and refuge. The more you learn how loving, powerful, and protective God is, the more you will trust Him. The more you realize His complete acceptance of you in Christ, the more you’ll be released to be open, honest, and vulnerable (in a healthy way) before God and others.

The New Age movement has twisted the concept of faith by teaching that we make something true by believing it. That is false. We cannot create reality with our minds; only God can bring something out of nothing into existence. Our responsibility is to face reality and choose to believe what God says is true. True biblical faith, therefore, is choosing to believe and act upon what is true, because God has said it is true, and He is the Truth. Faith is something you decide to do, not something you feel like doing. Believing something doesn’t make it true; it’s already true, therefore we choose to believe it! Truth is not conditioned by whether we choose to believe it or not.

Everybody lives by faith. The only difference between Christian faith and non-Christian faith is the object of our faith. If the object of our faith is not trustworthy, then no amount of believing will change that. That’s why our faith must be grounded on the solid rock of God’s perfect, unchanging character and the truth of His word. For two thousand years Christians have known the importance of verbally and publicly declaring truth. Read aloud the following Statements of Truth, and carefully consider what you are professing. You may find it helpful to read the words aloud daily for several weeks, which will help renew your mind to the truth.

 ---------------------------more tomorrow------------------------


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Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship

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