
Friday, March 10, 2023

Being Offensive to the World – Lent with Bonhoeffer Day 15 – Purity 987


Being Offensive to the World – Lent with Bonhoeffer Day 15 – Purity 987    

Purity 987 03/10/2023 Purity 987 Podcast

Purity 987 on YouTube: 

Good morning,

Today’s photo of the sun setting over Lake Ontario viewed through icicle bars comes to us from Rocco Saya of Celestial Blue photography ( who used his “cricket cam” on the lake for the first time on Wednesday to capture this scene by getting down low and taking this shot from underneath a tree branch to prove that the “sun still exists” and that sometimes we can find beauty and wonder in this world when we change our perspective.

Well, It’s Friday, thank God, and I am experiencing that shift in perspective that rejoices because the weekend is one work tour away and if the Lord wills it I will be heading up to my countryside home to be reunited with my wife tonight.  

I do have to give everyone a heads up though that even though we will make it to the weekend when work ends, the machinations of men will cost us to lose one hour of our time off as we will “spring forward” by setting the clocks ahead in the early morning hours on Saturday night or Sunday morning, depending on your perspective.   

In my pre-Christ addicted past, I would have seen this as loss as my Saturday night binge drinking revelry would have been curtailed a bit, but now that I have left that bondage behind and am no longer a “night owl”, I see it as gain as I will get to my morning prayers and Bible study that much sooner.  

Our perspective can make all the difference when it comes to experiencing joy and peace. Seeing things as the Lord see them and knowing that He is in control provides an abiding sense of peace, meaning, and purpose to life, where as viewing the world through the eyes of men who don’t know God causes you to have no hope because from that perspective the “good old days” are dwindling and “bad old days of suffering and death” are quickly approaching causing you to be fearful or bitter.  But let me remind us all that view is no longer ours as we know that we have eternal security in Christ and every passing day brings us closer to discovering the glory of being in His presence for evermore.  There is nothing to be afraid when you are in Christ. Jesus showed everyone that He conquered death and the grave and because we put our faith in Him, we will one day share in that victory as we enter into His kingdom in eternity.  

But we get more good news because Christ also came to give us life “more abundantly” while we are here on the earth and when we decide to follow Him by walking in the Spirit our lives become a never ending adventure that is marked by peace, love, and joy. 

So, let’s go get it. Let’s follow the Lord  to where He leads and see “What’s next?” as we continue with our current series as we are walking through the season of Lent, now on Day 15 of the 40 Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

As a reminder, and as we will say each day of this journey, we take this path to mark the season of Lent and to draw closer to God in anticipation for the celebration of Easter, knowing that if we take this journey of repentance seriously, we will not only see the days and seasons change, the Lord will use it to change us too. 

You can sign up to get this devotional yourself by going to the Biblegateway link on the blog (( . 

Day 15

Bonhoeffer writes:

“This does not refer to God’s righteousness, but to suffering for the sake of a righteous cause, suffering because of the righteous judgment and action of Jesus’ disciples.

In judgment and action those who follow Jesus will be different from the world in renouncing their property, happiness, rights, righteousness, honor, and violence.

They will be offensive to the world.

That is why the disciples will be persecuted for righteousness’ sake.

Not recognition, but rejection will be their reward from the world for their word and deed.

It is important that Jesus calls his disciples blessed, not only when they directly confess his name, but also when they suffer for a just cause.”

Biblical Wisdom

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:10

Questions to Ponder

  • What do you think of Bonhoeffer’s assertion that disciples will be “offensive to the world”?

M.T. Clark: As I stated above about perspective, how annoying are those who know that they are saved and have the answers to life and death, to a world that doesn’t believe in God or that doesn’t know that you can know God and the truth that He has given us.  Our joy is an offense but so is our conviction that God’s word is true and that we will be held accountable for the way we live our lives according to what it says.  The word tells us about sin and about Jesus. And the world is offended by the implications of both because they refuse to surrender to Christ’s Lordship. Our presence as Christian’s is an offensive reminder of the facts that they have rejected and fear are true.   

  • Why is it today that the world often seems more indifferent to Christians and the church than offended by them?

M.T. Clark: True indifference would indicate spiritual blindness. Anyone indifferent to gospel has decided it isn’t true, thus making Christianity a myth or a fairy tale and no self-respecting “logical adult” would concern themselves with “fantasy”.  Instead the indifferent would see life as a mystery with the vague hope of a continuation of life, twisting God’s truth, or they would admit to the meaningless of their “logical” godless universe with the eventual erasure of their personal life and ultimately all life as the universe “logically” will fade to black.   The indifferent aren’t offended because they have decided that Christians are deluded and wrong but one day they will weep as they learn that Jesus Christ is Lord and they have no place in His kingdom. 

  • In what way is a disciple “blessed” when he or she “suffers for a just cause”?

M.T. Clark: Disciples are blessed when we suffer for a just cause, particularly the cause of sharing the gospel or doing the good works that God has prepared for us to do, because it is “the fruit” of our faith. Our suffering for a good cause demonstrates the authenticity of our faith and gives glory to God. I know I personally didn’t have a lot of motivation to do good prior to Christ and I can point to the suffering I have experienced and the good works that I may have played a part in as the evidence of the transformed life I have experienced because of Christ in me.  The suffering reminds us of our blessed conditions and we like the Apostles before us should consider our trials joy when we suffer for the cause of Christ.

Psalm Fragment

For the righteous will never be moved;
   they will be remembered forever.
They are not afraid of evil tidings;
   their hearts are firm, secure in the Lord.
Their hearts are steady, they will not be afraid;
   in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
They have distributed freely, they have given to the poor;
   their righteousness endures forever…. 
Psalm 112:6-9

Journal Reflections

  • Write about a time when you suffered for doing the right thing. Reflect on your feelings about that experience.

M.T. Clark: I can point to the lost relationships and mild persecution I have experienced because of my decision to follow Christ as my “suffering for doing the right thing”.  The change in me personally and my zeal for sharing the gospel is an offense to this world and even though I am happy with what the Lord has done in my life, I would be lying if I told anyone that it didn’t come with a cost, a painful cost but one I would gladly pay again and again as I know that “doing the right thing” of putting my faith in Christ has blessed me beyond measure, continues to bless me, and gives me the assurance of life everlasting in His kingdom.

·       Have you ever held back from doing the right thing because you were afraid of rejection or suffering? If so, reflect on how it felt to hold back.

M.T. Clark: I am sure I have held back from doing the right thing because of fear of rejection and suffering. I am somewhat of a people pleaser and being an “offense” is not fun. I don’t want to rain on someone’s parade by pointing out their errors and how they are in mortal danger of eternity in hell.  Also I suffer from mild social anxiety at times, that’s putting it mildly, and I don’t want to stand out and may have shied away from doing the right thing because I would have to speak up and risk being rejected.  However, I am a work in progress and am a little less prone from “not doing the right thing” simply because I walk in the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance compels me to do it. I have deep regrets and little peace if I wantonly neglect doing the right thing and often find myself going back and “doing the right thing” after having decided not to which causes a fair amount of shame but ultimately gives me great peace because I went back and corrected myself when and where I could.    


Think of people you know (or know of) who are suffering “for righteousness sake.” Pray that they might receive courage and comfort from their faith and that they might prevail.

M.T. Clark: 

Lord God, I pray for my fellow Christians who suffer for “righteousness sake”.  I pray that they will receive courage and comfort from the assurances that come from their faith in Jesus Christ and that they prevail over the situations they are facing.  I also pray for those who suffer because of their beliefs in justice and mercy but who don’t know Jesus Christ, I pray for them to not only to be delivered from the suffering they are experiencing on earth, but I pray that their eyes and hearts be opened to the author of justice and mercy and to put their faith in Jesus Christ to know what real righteousness is and to be saved from the righteous judgement that would send them to eternal suffering. 

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Today

Lord, give me the wisdom to know what is right and make me willing to suffer for a just cause.

M.T. Clark: In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.


(40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Copyright © 2007 Augsburg Books, imprint of Augsburg Fortress.)

***As we are being provided with Bible verses from the 40 Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, we will are taking a break from sharing a verse of the day from “The NLT Bible Promise Book for Men”. We plan on resuming that normal installment of the blog following Easter.*** 


As always, I invite all to go to where I always share insights from prominent Christian theologians and counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk.

Today we continue sharing from A.W. Pink’s “The Sovereignty of God.”

As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage all to purchase A.W. Pink’s books for your own private study and to support his work.  This resource is available on many websites for less than $20.00.






We quote next from one of the latest books issued on Prayer. In it the author says, “The possibilities and necessity of prayer, its power and results, are manifested in arresting and changing the purposes of God and in relieving the stroke of His power.” Such an assertion as this is a horrible reflection upon the character of the Most High God, who “doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest Thou?” (Dan. 4:35). There is no need whatever for God to change His designs or alter His purpose for the all-sufficient reason that these were framed under the influence of perfect goodness and unerring wisdom. Men may have occasion to alter their purposes, for in their short-sightedness they are frequently unable to anticipate what may arise after their plans are formed. But not so with God, for He knows the end from the beginning. To affirm God changes His purpose is either to impugn His goodness or to deny His eternal wisdom.

In the same book we are told, “The prayers of God’s saints are the capital stock in heaven by which Christ carries on His great work upon earth. The great throes and mighty convulsions on earth are the results of these prayers. Earth is changed revolutionized, angels move on more powerful, more rapid wing, and God’s policy is shaped as the prayers are more numerous, more efficient.” If possible, this is even worse, and we have no hesitation in denominating it as blasphemy. In the first place, it flatly denies Eph. 3:11 which speaks of God’s having an “eternal purpose.” If God’s purpose is an eternal one then His “policy” is not being “shaped” today. In the second place, it contradicts Eph. 1:11 which expressly declares that God “worketh all things after the counsel of His own will,” therefore it follows that, “God’s policy” is not being “shaped” by man’s prayers. In the third place, such a statement as the above makes the will of the creature supreme, for if our prayers shape God’s policy then is the Most High subordinate to worms of the earth. Well might the Holy Spirit ask through the apostle, “For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been His counsellor?” (Rom. 11:34).

Such thoughts on prayer as we have been citing are due to low and inadequate conceptions of God Himself. It ought to be apparent that there could be little or no comfort in praying to a God that was like the chameleon, which changes its color every day. What encouragement is there to lift up our hearts to One who is in one mind yesterday and another today? What would be the use of petitioning an earthly monarch if we knew he was so mutable as to grant a petition one day and deny it another? Is it not the very unchangeableness of God which is our greatest encouragement to pray? It is because He is “without variableness or shadow of turning” we are assured that if we ask anything according to His will we are most certain of being heard. Well did Luther remark, “Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness.”

And this leads us to offer a few remarks concerning the design of prayer. Why has God appointed that we should pray? The vast majority of people would reply, In order that we may obtain from God the things which we need. While this is one of the purposes of prayer it is by no means the chief one. Moreover, it considers prayer only from the human side, and prayer sadly needs to be viewed from the Divine side. Let us look, then, at some of the reasons why God has bidden us to pray.

First and foremost, prayer has been appointed that the Lord God Himself should be honored. God requires we should recognize that He is, indeed, “the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity” (Isa. 57:17). God requires that we shall own His universal dominion: in petitioning God for rain Elijah did but confess His control over the elements; in praying to God to deliver a poor sinner from the wrath to come we acknowledge that “salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9); in supplicating His blessing on the Gospel unto the uttermost parts of the earth we declare His rulership over the whole world.

Again; God requires that we shall worship Him, and prayer, real prayer, is an act of worship. Prayer is an act of worship inasmuch as it is the prostrating of the soul before Him; inasmuch as it is a calling upon His great and holy name; inasmuch as it is the owning of His goodness, His power, His immutability, His grace, and inasmuch as it is the recognition of His sovereignty, owned by a submission to His will. It is highly significant to notice in this connection that the Temple wasn’t termed by Christ the House of Sacrifice, but instead, the House of Prayer.

Again; prayer redounds to God’s glory, for in prayer we do but acknowledge dependency upon Him. When we humbly supplicate the Divine Being we cast ourselves upon His power and mercy. In seeking blessings from God we own that He is the Author and Fountain of every good and perfect gift. That prayer brings glory to God is further seen from the fact that prayer calls faith into exercise, and nothing from us is so honoring and pleasing to Him as the confidence of our hearts.[1]

---------------------------more tomorrow------------------------

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“The views, opinions, and commentary of this publication are those of the author, M.T. Clark, only, and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of any of the photographers, artists, ministries, or other authors of the other works that may be included in this publication, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities the author may represent.”

Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship

[1] Arthur W. Pink, The Sovereignty of God (Swengel, PA: Bible Truth Depot, 1949), 177–180.

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