
Showing posts with label Ephesians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ephesians. Show all posts

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Soul Music & The Infilling of the Holy Spirit - 40 Day Journey with Martin Luther – Day 22 - Purity 1295

Soul Music & The Infilling of the Holy Spirit - 40 Day Journey with Martin Luther – Day 22 - Purity 1295

Purity 1295 03/09/2024 Purity 1295 Podcast

Purity 1295 on YouTube: 

Good morning,

Today’s photo of a high definition view of the sky reflected in the waters of Lake Hiawassee near sunset comes to us from Fred Dimmick who shared this scene from his visit to the Hanging Dog Recreational Area on social media on Thursday, March 7th.  Fred is always sharing stops along the path of his life with his friends on FB, but this one is really special. It's so beautiful it’s almost unreal and it made me wonder if Fred got a new camera! But that’s life, we do the same things day after day and then time, circumstances, and the Lord come together to make otherwise normal days have spectacular moments. 

Well, it’s Saturday and I had one of those spectacular moments after work yesterday during my commute to my countryside home in Easton. I had a long day at work yesterday and when quitting time came I was rejoicing over the fact that another week of work was over, and I decided to worship the Lord in song to thank Him.  Right now I am trying to recall the events that led to that decision because there was something there that triggered that decision, something to do with God and my life right now, but I can’t recall the specifics. Anyway, when I turned on my “Crossroads” Playlist – which is a mix of inspirational secular songs from my past and some “heart songs” of Christian praise and worship the Lord’s presence came storming into the moment bringing to my mind and heart the truth of my relationship with him, the victories of the past, and hope for the future.  God was in the car with me, and I was undone emotionally, rejoicing over His love for me and simultaneously letting the pain of recent difficulties in my life come pouring out to be healed.  God was speaking to me through the music to remind me that I wasn’t alone, He had been with me in the past to deliver me, and I could rely on Him in the future to do the same. These realizations caused me to whoop, holler, sing, raise my hands, cry, and emphatically rejoice over my life of freedom that has been given to me.  The manifest presence of the Lord was in the house crafting time and space to give me this magic moment that I would call the “filling of the Holy Spirit”. Paul talks about this in.

Ephesians 5:18-21 (NKJV) which says:
18  And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,
19  speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,
20  giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
21  submitting to one another in the fear of God.

Do you see the tie in here of music, thanksgiving, and the Lord?  My baptism in the Holy Spirit happened when I went into recovery and one day sang to, thanked, praised the Lord, and asked Him to “Come Holy Spirit, Come”. Yesterday, I didn’t ask, I didn’t knock but the Lord’s presence came all the same. He knew I needed it as I have been overcome with anxiety and frustration during recent events and He wanted me to know that I wasn’t alone and that I could trust Him to move everything together for good even if I couldn’t see it. I had been trying to “fix things” on my own and He showed up to remind me to remain faithful but to “let go” and let Him do what He has always done.  Even though I had been trying to be encouraging to others, my heart and mind need to be encouraged to surrender all the uncertain outcomes and concerns in my life to Him. As the Lord brought to mind all the blessings of my life I shouted in triumph because I even though I “knew these things”, my heart had forgotten just how glorious this strange journey has been and how wonderful my life is.  

Yesterday, God used “soul music” to bring me back to joy and to pipe in the “filling of the Holy Spirit”.  Although John MacArthur would disagree with my calling my initial experience of the manifest presence of God – the “baptism of the Holy Spirit”  his commentary on Ephesian 5:18 tells us about this infilling: The Macarthur commentary says:

“Paul is not speaking of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling (Ro 8:9) or the baptism by Christ with the Holy Spirit (1Co 12:13), because every Christian is indwelt and baptized by the Spirit at the time of salvation. He is rather giving a command for believers to live continually under the influence of the Spirit by letting the Word control them (see note on Col 3:16), pursuing pure lives, confessing all known sin, dying to self, surrendering to God’s will, and depending on His power in all things. Being filled with the Spirit is living in the conscious presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, letting His mind, through the Word, dominate everything that is thought and done. Being filled with the Spirit is the same as walking in the Spirit (see notes on Gal 5:16–23). Christ exemplified this way of life (Lk 4:1).”

(John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), Eph 5:18.)

That’s what I try to do live in the conscious presence of the Lord  but I can tell you sometimes our walk with God has special moments where the Lord reaches out to strengthen us and yesterday was one of them for me and I had to write about it because I don’t want to forget it or blow it off. I want to stay in that place where I knew the truth of my relationship with God in the present moment, experientially.  These moments fuel our faithfulness and never know when God will reach through the veil to give them to you but when they happen you know it!

So I’m encouraged to encourage you to keep walking and talking with God and what better time to do that than now -in the season of Lent. And speaking of Lent….

It’s the twenty-second day of Lent and so we continue my personal walkthrough of Gracia Grindal’s 40 Day Journey with Martin Luther to observe and celebrate the Lenten season.   In this walkthrough of Grindal’s devotional,  it is our hope that we will get to know Martin Luther a little better as we seek to draw closer to the Lord on our journey to Resurrection Sunday – Easter.  

And so we continue.

Journey Day 22

I believe in the Holy Spirit, one holy Christian church, the community of saints, forgiveness of sins, resurrection of the flesh, and eternal life. Amen.

To this article, as I have said, I cannot give a better title than “Being Made Holy”. In it are expressed and portrayed the Holy Spirit and his office, which is that he makes us holy. Therefore, we must concentrate on the term “Holy Spirit”, because it is so precise we can find no substitute for it... God's Spirit alone is called a Holy Spirit, that is, the one who has made us holy and still makes us holy. As the Father is called a Creator and the Son is called a Redeemer, so on account of his work the Holy Spirit must be called a Sanctifier, or one who makes us holy. How does such sanctifying take place?

Answer... the Holy Spirit effects our being made holy through the following: the community of saints or Christian church, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. That is, he first leads us into his holy community, placing us in the church's lap, where he preaches to us and brings us to Christ.

Biblical Wisdom

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. John 16:13-15.

Silence for Meditation.

Pause the podcast, or stop reading, and sit quietly for 60 seconds, a few minutes, or 10-15 minutes, or however long you feel comfortable with and have time for. Focus on your breath and the calm stillness in the present moment that is always available to us in God’s creation. Meditate on Martin Luther’s comments for the day, and the content of today’s Biblical wisdom.

Questions to Ponder

·       What do you think Luther means when he says the Holy Spirit is the “one who makes us holy”? What does it mean to be made holy?

To be made holy means to be set apart for God’s purposes, to live to serve His kingdom.  A cursory study of scriptures regarding the Holy spirit reveals that He leads us into all truth and grants us repentance. It is through the Holy Spirit that we see the truth of the gospel and are led to turn from our sins and grow in our faith. This is for real – they don’t call it walking in the Spirit for nothing – we can experience God’s presence, love, and help in our lives when we walk with Him.

·       Luther says the Spirit “effects our being made holy” through “the community of saints or Christian church, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting”. Reflect on these four; how do they make us holy?

The community of the saints gives us a place to grow – where the word is preached, studied, reflected on, and practiced with how we live. 

The forgiveness of sins gives us freedom and healing and encourages us to not go back into darkness. 

The Resurrection of the body – gives us proof that Jesus is God and that He blesses us with the gift of the comforter who indwells within our bodies – making us spiritually alive. We were resurrected to life with Christ. 

Everlasting life gives us the freedom over the fear of death and the eternal purpose of serving God’s kingdom. We stop living for ourselves and start living for God’s kingdom.  

·       According to today's reading from Luther, what is the church's primary task? Why?

Luther’s comments indicate that the church’s purpose is to preach the word. Why?  To bring people to Christ, and to make us holy.

Psalm Fragment

These all look to you to give them their food in due season; When you give to them, they gather it up; When you open your hand, they are filled with good things. When you hide your face, they are dismayed; when you take away their breath, they die and return to their dust. When you send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the ground. Psalm 104:27-30

Journal Reflections

·       Meditate in writing on your understanding and experience of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit guides us into a deeper walk with the Lord by illuminating the scriptures and convicting our hearts to obey God’s word. His presence comforts us and strengthens us.  His intuitions reveal to us things to come and inspires us to good works and sanctification.

·       Have you ever felt as if the Holy Spirit was bringing Christ to you as you studied his word or heard it preached, or participated in the activities of his church? If so, write about the experience and its impact on you.

Yes, all the time. Part of the purpose of my blogging and podcasting is to proclaim the truth of the Holy Spirit’s power and presence in the lives of Christians who surrender to God’s will for their lives.  Pick up your cross and follow Jesus and the Comforter will accompany you on the path of Christian Discipleship.

·       Have you experienced yourself “being made holy”? If so, has it changed how you make decisions? How you live in relationships? If not, can you imagine being made holy and its consequences?

Yes. I have repented and been set free from my former besetting sins to experience freedom. It has changed my entire life and my relationships.  My marriage has God at the center of it and my friendships are faith-based because no matter who you are, I will encourage you to seek the Lord – Christian or not. 

Prayers for the Life of Faith

Pray that your relationship with God through Christ and the Holy Spirit will become more dear to you and that the gift of faith you have received will flow from you into good deeds for your family, friends, and neighbors.

Lord, I pray that my relationship with You through Jesus and the Holy Spirit will somehow become more dear to me and that the gift of faith that I have received will flow from me into good works for my family, friends, and neighbors. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer For Today

Come, Holy Spirit, teach me more about God, and quicken my love for you and my neighbors so that I may serve you as I should by serving them.


(Gracia M. Grindal. 40-day Journey With Martin Luther. Kindle Edition.

(We encourage you to purchase Grindal’s book and take the 40 Day Journey with Martin Luther for yourself by purchasing Grindal’s book wherever books are sold. You can find it online at many different sites and purchase it new, used – paper or electronic for less than $15.00).


For those who want more evidence for Christianity than my simple encouragements provide, I offer apologist, Frank Turek’s website, .

Today’s Bible verses come to us from “The Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling” By John G. Kruis.

( While Bible verses on various topics of Counseling can be found with a quick Google search, we encourage you to purchase this resource to support the late author’s work. ( )

This morning’s meditation verse comes from the section on Contentment, Coveting & and Priorities.

Colossians 3:5 (ESV)
5  Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

Today’s verse falls under the ninth point of our counseling reference guide resource’s section on Contentment, Coveting, and Priorities.

9. Put covetousness to death.

Today’s verse tells us to repent of sexual immorality – let’s not miss that – sexual purity is important to God and our lives of faith – but it also speaks of the root of lust- covetousness – wanting what is not rightfully yours.  Why is the command to not covet one of the Ten Commandments? Because it leads us into various sins that stem from covetousness. God has approved means to meet all our needs, but covetousness causes us to disregard those means because “we want what we want” and covetousness causes us to not care how we get it.  

So put to death what is earthly within you, and follow God’s ways to meet your wants, desires, and needs. When we decide to not “want” what is not ours, covetousness is cast out and results in the consideration of sin to be an illogical possibility.


As always, I invite all to go to where I always share insights from prominent Christian theologians and counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk.

Today we continue sharing from “According to Your Word: Morning and Evening Through the New Testament” By Stephen F. Olford – A Collection of Devotional Journals: 1940-1941.

As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage you all to purchase Olford’s books for your own private study and to support his work.  This resource is available online for less than $10 at many sites.


“The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore,
when your eye is good, your whole body also is
full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body
also is full of darkness.” – Luke 11:34

The eye cannot contain light in itself; it reflects light from the source of light. If therefore the body is to be full of light, the eyes must be focused on the true source of light, even the Lord Jesus. Hence, the apostle says, “Looking unto Jesus” (Heb. 12:2).

Fellowship is only maintained as I walk in the light even as my Lord is in the light. How necessary it is then, that my eyes be fixed on Him.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.7[1]

---------------------------more tomorrow------------------------

Join our “Victory over the Darkness”, “The Bondage Breaker”, "Freedom in Christ" series of Discipleship Classes via the mt4christ247 podcast!

at, You can also find it on Apple podcasts

( The mt4christ247 podcast is also available on Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartradio, and 

These teachings are also available on the MT4Christ247 YouTube Channel:

Email me at to receive the class materials, share your progress, and to be encouraged.

My wife, TammyLyn, also offers Christian encouragement via her Ask Seek Knock blog ( ),  her Facebook Group: Ask, Seek, Knock ( ) and her podcast Ask, Seek, and Knock on Podbean (

“The views, opinions, and commentary of this publication are those of the author, M.T. Clark, only, and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of any of the photographers, artists, ministries, or other authors of the other works that may be included in this publication, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities the author may represent.”

Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Triggered by Doublemindedness & God’s Gift of Peace – A Mindful of Christ Encouragement - Purity 1269

Triggered by Doublemindedness & God’s Gift of Peace – a Mindful of Christ Encouragement - Purity 1269

Purity 1269 02/08/2024 Purity 1269 Podcast

Purity 1269 on YouTube:

Good morning,

Today’s photo of a boardwalk pathway to Treasure Island’s Sunset Beach comes to us from yours truly as I reached back into my phone's photo archive this morning to share this scene from my honeymoon trip to Tampa back on February 21st, 2022.   

Well, it’s Thursday and I share this as a visual reminder to my friends to get on or to stay on the path of Christian Discipleship, as is my fairly regular habit on Thursdays, but I also share it because I have Florida on the mind this morning because I am a week and a wake-up away from getting on a plane to Orlando and Disney World. As excited as I am for the trip I have to admit that I have some anxiety about the trip because some of the details of my reservations have me wondering what exactly is included in my vacation package and just how much I will have to pay in addition to what I have paid already to meet my family’s needs while in the Magic Kingdom. I am a simple guy and I just prefer to pay one cost for everything. The “all-inclusive” option is preferred but upon examining the details of my reservation and Disney dining plan, I am thoroughly confused about whether or not how things will work and that causes me to lament “Why do things have to be so complicated – or why do things have to be this way? 

But I back off on asking that question because it leads to discontentment and complaining – the antithesis to a life in the Spirit – So I plan on being the “annoying guest” and calling later today to unapologetically ask all my questions so I can know what I have signed myself up for in Orlando for 6 nights and 7days.   We perish for a lack of knowledge and at this point, I need to know what the deal is.   I want to know what the deal is and to arrange my plans in a way that will meet my family’s needs or to prepare me for those “extras” that are not included.  Once I know what I am in for, I can deal with it and be content. 

Speaking of knowing what we signed up for and what the deal is and being content, I will try not to come across as too angry in my inquiries because I don’t want to complain. Last night, I got a stark example of what being angry and discontented looks like and I realize that those emotions are grounded in irrationality or selfishness as one of the participants of Celebrate Freedom seemed to be having a bad day and seemed to be back to square one of their recovery journey because they were being double-minded. 

After hearing about how they were angry about the fact that they had to work and support their family and how life got to bedifficult after having children and how they loved booze and how they couldn’t live in alcoholic bliss was troubling and revealed that this person might be coming to a recovery meeting but their heart and mind is torn in two as they are holding onto a life they can’t have anymore.  This person was angry about life in general. 

For those who hate work or don’t like their jobs, let me console you by saying “suck it up buttercup”.  God’s plan for us was always to work.  

Genesis 1:28 (NASB) tells us
28  God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

Adam was given a job, before The Fall, okay.  Responsible people work, and benefit from it – so focus on the positive, plan to get a different job if you must, but know this : work no matter what you do will always be a challenge and our peace comes not from what we do but how we perceive it – how we think about it.  IF we focus on the negative aspects of work we will be unhappy, if we are thankful for the pay, benefits, opportunities, and people we encounter at work – we can be content.  So change your mind, because you are going to have to work anyway and we can do it bitter, or we can do it better, by having peace about our lot in life, knowing God approves of us working and it provides for ourselves and our families.

And as for drunkenness, I like the way the NLT puts it.

Ephesians 5:18 (NLT2) where it says
18  Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit,

Drunkenness will ruin your life and in this person’s life that Biblical truth has come to pass because their drunkenness has caused disharmony in their marriage to the point where they have a choice to sober up or to find themselves divorced and separated from their children. 

This person is still holding on to the lie that drunkenness is okay or a good thing that they are being denied when in fact it is poison that causes pain to themselves and their family.

Our group shows people the pathway to peace, but we can’t make you believe it and we can’t make you walk it out.  Our friend is living a double-minded life and hasn’t committed to changing his relationship to booze. They love it when they should hate it. They want to keep it when they should let it go.  They say they believe what God’s word says but deny it with what they say and do. They believe but don’t follow.

In trying to encourage this person, we were all thoroughly frustrated, not only at what was said, what they were saying was irrational and selfish, but it wasn’t the first time we heard it. We covered this ground before and they cycled back to it – because they obviously dismissed what we have said, and still believe they can have life both ways when they can’t.

In their parting words, they spoke disdainfully regarding whether or not they could have peace in following the Lord which is sad because it betrays their lack of faith and their failure to see that their current actions and attitudes are what are stealing their peace and that staying the same isn’t an option anymore. Things will get better, or things will get worse, but they won’t to stay the same. I know that following the Lord might be tough at first, but I know that God is the one who gives us the gift of peace.  Which brings me to sharing Mindful of Christ’s Lauren Roskilly’s “Word for Wednesday” from this week – which is based on:

John 14:27 (NLT2) which says:
27  “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

Lauren’s short message is “God’s gift of peace is for you” and she writes:

“Do you experience an almighty sense of peace whatever trouble you go through?

Do you know that it is possible?


Jesus himself, in this verse, says that we can.

It is through Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit that you can.


Whatever trouble, stressful situations, anxiety, worry or fear you go through, if you turn your attention, focus and thoughts over to Jesus and Gods presence, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you, you can know and be filled with this awesome gift of peace.


Regularly turn to Jesus and meditate on him and his word and discover for yourself your stress levels drop and this awesome peace increases.”


It’s a simple instruction, meditate on Jesus and God’s word and you will discover peace.  So if you are angry and discontented, stop being double-minded and agree with and live by the truth of God’s word and the peace that goes beyond all understanding will be yours.




For those who want more evidence for Christianity than my simple encouragements provide, I offer apologist, Frank Turek’s website, .

Today’s Bible verses come to us from “The Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling” By John G. Kruis.

( While Bible verses on various topics of Counseling can be found with a quick Google search, we encourage you to purchase this resource to support the late author’s work. ( )

This morning’s meditation verse comes from the section on Communication, Gossip, and Lying.

Proverbs 19:9 (NIV2011)
9  A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish.

Today’s verse falls under the tenth point of our counseling reference guide resource’s section on Communication, Gossip, and Lying.

10.     Lying will be punished.

Today’s verse tells us that the liar will perish.   And because I am short on time I will cut to the chase by sharing:

Revelation 21:8 (NLT2) that tells us
8  “But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

All liars, whose sins have not been covered by the blood of Jesus are fated to go into the lake of fire with Satan.  

So repent, tell the truth, and make sure you put your faith Jesus, so your lies will be forgiven, and you won’t perish because of them.


As always, I invite all to go to where I always share insights from prominent Christian theologians and counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk.

Today we continue sharing from “According to Your Word: Morning and Evening Through the New Testament” By Stephen F. Olford – A Collection of Devotional Journals: 1940-1941.

As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage you all to purchase Olford’s books for your own private study and to support his work.  This resource is available online for less than $10 at many sites.


“There comes One after me who is mightier than I,
whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down
and loose.” – Mark 1:7

The stooping to unloose the strap of a sandal was the meanest job for the lowest servant. Yet John the Baptist says, “I am not worthy even to do that.” He says that he was not worthy even to stoop down. Stooping down was humility itself, but John says that he was not worthy to take such a high place (though humanly speaking it was the lowest place).

Here, surely, was real humility. And because of it, the Lord exalted John the Baptist to the highest place of honor. For He said concerning him that John was the greatest born of women (Matt. 11:11).

Notice also, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Matt. 23:12).

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord,
and He will lift you up.”
–James 4:10[1]

---------------------------more tomorrow------------------------

Join our “Victory over the Darkness”, “The Bondage Breaker”, "Freedom in Christ" series of Discipleship Classes via the mt4christ247 podcast!

at, You can also find it on Apple podcasts

( The mt4christ247 podcast is also available on Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartradio, and 

These teachings are also available on the MT4Christ247 YouTube Channel:

Email me at to receive the class materials, share your progress, and to be encouraged.

My wife, TammyLyn, also offers Christian encouragement via her Ask Seek Knock blog ( ),  her Facebook Group: Ask, Seek, Knock ( ) and her podcast Ask, Seek, and Knock on Podbean (

“The views, opinions, and commentary of this publication are those of the author, M.T. Clark, only, and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of any of the photographers, artists, ministries, or other authors of the other works that may be included in this publication, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities the author may represent.”

Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Propelling One Another in Our Faith - Purity 1265


Propelling One Another in Our Faith - Purity 1265

Purity 1265 02/03/2024 Purity 1265 Podcast

Purity 1265 on YouTube: 

Good morning,

Today’s photo of waves crashing on a rocky shoreline while the setting sun blazes on the horizon of Lake Ontario comes to us from Celestial Blue Photography, as Rocco Saya shared this scene on social media back on January 15th, commenting that the “sun actually made an appearance today!” Rocco’s comment reveals the overcast reality of upstate New York winters and how the “gray days” can make us appreciate it all the more when the sun comes shining in. 

Well, It’s Saturday and regardless of the weather the light of the weekend is shining joy into my heart because I am at my countryside home with my wife for the weekend, and because I walk in the Spirit there are seemingly endless sources for peace and joy when I focus on the Lord and all He is and all He has done for me which includes bringing more people than I can shake a stick into my life to encourage and to be encouraged by.  

Before coming to Christ, I spent a lot of time in a basement entertaining myself and seeking to satisfy my own selfish and fleshly desires but since answering the Lord’s call to faith in Jesus, I’m not alone anymore. I have not only found the love of my life, in my wife TammyLyn, but I have made all kinds of friends and acquaintances along the path of Christian Discipleship as I have sought to grow and to encourage others in their faith.  

Yesterday, I received a text message from a phone number I didn’t know asking the question “Is this Marc?” and because of the spammers and scammers out there in the world, my defenses immediately went up because for every genuine brother and sister in Christ that I encounter in the social media universe who are simply looking to encourage or be encouraged in their faith there are just as many – whether the requests are genuine or not is hard to discern – people looking for money, my money and sometimes these simple inquiries – “Is this Marc?” are even more sinister as they seek to lead me into sexual temptation with invitations to private chats or wish to share explicit photos of videos to fulfill the secret desires of the flesh.   Those requests are usually followed by “This is _________” – a woman’s name that you may or may not know but that has the unspoken promise for intimacy and lurid companionship. 

As someone who has overcome sexual immorality and is walking in purity – all my intimate times are reserved for my wife and her alone,  I have learned to not even respond when I suspect that these inquires might be a financial scheme or a trap of the flesh.  But yesterday, instead of exchanging texts to go through the process of trying to figure out this texter’s intentions, I decided to be bold and actually call the person who sent me the text to cut to the chase – fulling expecting the person to either not answer the call or to be someone I obviously didn’t know and whose intentions would be revealed to be malicious.  

But much to my surprise and delight, the person on the other end of the text was not only not trying to scam or seduce me, but it was also someone I knew, and they were a Christian too!   

It turned out to be Brian Dugan (forgive the spelling if incorrect Brian) who was someone I met back in 2020, I believe, in passing when I was working nights in the hardware department at Walmart where I occasionally provided customers with Christian encouragements as well as customer service.  I’m not sure how our conversation turned to the spiritual but in our exchange way back when I discovered that Brian, like me had been a man of the world, but who had found also found peace through His faith in Jesus Christ and was doing his best to live as a Christian despite the world’s attempts to call him back into the dark. Back in those days, I was sending out daily text messages of my “Purity series” to encourage my brothers in Christ, before I decided to put them on the blog, and was surprised when Brian gave me his number and invited me to add him to my list to receive the texts daily.  Eventually, I started sharing the “Purity” message on my blog and stopped sending out the text and Brian got lost in the transition, and for whatever reason he thought about that yesterday and decided to see “Whatever happened to those texts?” and reached out to ask.  

I excitedly told Brian how the texts moved to the blog in 2020 and how I started the mt4Christ247 podcast in 2021 to share my Freedom Ministry Classes, and how that led to my meeting TammyLyn, and getting married on New Year's Day of 2022, and starting the mt4Christ247 YouTube channel in 2022 and how I have continued to follow the Lord and to encourage people to keep “walking and talking with God ever since.  I thanked Brian for reaching out and invited him to check the blog and subscribe to the YouTube channel to receive daily encouragement as I intend to do so for the foreseeable future – sharing something to point people to Jesus every day.   

After our conversation, I texted Brian the links to the blog, podcast, and YouTube Channel and told him that our exchange would probably be the topic for today’s message – and it is!   I also wanted to thank him again for reaching out because it encourages me to know that there are others – brothers and sisters in Christ – out there trying to live by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit – one day at a time – by living a simple and righteous life.  

Brian texted “I honestly can say that meeting you propelled my faith and assisted me in staying the course. There have been a ton of miracles in my life since deciding to let go and let God. The path is so much easier now. I always believed but I look back now and see that I was forcing a lot of things that I wanted instead of just being patient and accepting better things that He had planned for me. His path has way less picker bushes. Lol.”  

Amen to that Brian, God’s path and plan for our lives is better than ours could ever be and when we learn to follow Him we suffer a lot less. 

Ironically, I have been exchanging texts with one of the guys from the Freedom in Christ course that I am leading currently and am encouraging him to change the way he thinks. Like Brian used to do, I think this man is trying to force things into the way he wants when he just needs to “let go and let God” and rest in His presence and be patient as God renews his mind and turns his heart of stone into a heart of flesh.  

But there is hope – after admitting to struggling and not knowing whether his distressing thoughts were coming from his fleshly lusts or from the enemy himself, this man I am discipling realized that he had peace when he sat down to study and prepare for a Bible Study class he is going to teach today at his church.  I pointed out that we find peace in the Lord’s presence and that when we seek to win the battle for the mind the way we overcome is not in just trying to “not think about bad things” but to fill our minds with the good things of God.  I shared:

Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)
6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
7  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I pointed out that these verses indicate when we pray and give thanks, we won’t be anxious, and that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds. We can’t think of two things at once and when we are busy thinking about God and giving Him thanks – we won’t be anxious or be afflicted by the things we don’t want to be thinking about. 

And encouraged, again, by trying to encourage others as this man seemed to “get it” and responded that he realized that his focus was on “what not to do” and he was going to be patient and focus on the truths from God’s word that give him peace. 

I know the Lord guides us and helps us, but we can “propel” one another in our faith by encouraging one another and teaching one another about how we can be set free and live a life that is defined by peace and joy through our faith in God.

So keep walking and talking with God, I’ll encourage you and when you tell me that you are seeking and following the Lord’s will for your life, believe me when I say, you will encourage me.


For those who want more evidence for Christianity than my simple encouragements provide, I offer apologist, Frank Turek’s website, .

Today’s Bible verses come to us from “The Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling” By John G. Kruis.

( While Bible verses on various topics of Counseling can be found with a quick Google search, we encourage you to purchase this resource to support the late author’s work. ( )

This morning’s meditation verse come from the section on Communication, Gossip, and Lying.

Ephesians 4:25 (NASB)
25  Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another.

Today’s verse is the second of two passages of scripture that fall under the seventh point of our counseling reference guide resource’s section on Communication, Gossip, and Lying.

7.     God forbids us to lie; he wants us to speak the truth.

Today’s verse instructs us to lay aside our lying ways and to speak truth to our neighbors – for we in the body of Christ are members of one another.  As my testimony of speaking to Brian Dugan should convey, even though I don’t know Brian well, at all and have only had a few exchanges, and hadn’t heard from him in years – I immediately rejoiced when I realized who it was that was reaching out to me and that he had a simple and faithful testimony of his continuing to follow the Lord to share.  We in the body of Christ are members to one another and so we shouldn’t lie to one another or to put on a false front to appear more holy than we are.  We are not only supposed to speak the truth because God commands us to speak the truth, but it is also the basis for every good relationship that we can have. We have to be real with one another to really help one another and that means telling the truth. 

I shared yesterday that Telling the Truth is the first rule of Christian Discipleship because we not only want to be authentic with our relationship with God, and in our representation of the kingdom of God as disciples, but we also want to enjoy the peace of open and honest relationships in the body of Christ.  So put away all falsehood and tell the truth because we belong to one another.


As always, I invite all to go to where I always share insights from prominent Christian theologians and counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk.

Today we continue sharing from “According to Your Word: Morning and Evening Through the New Testament” By Stephen F. Olford – A Collection of Devotional Journals: 1940-1941.

As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage you all to purchase Olford’s books for your own private study and to support his work.  This resource is available online for less than $10 at many sites.


“To each according to his own ability.”
– Matthew 25:15

What an encouraging fact this is! Yet, it is one which carries with it a real responsibility. For “according to his own ability,” the Lord requires His portion. There is no genuine servant of the Lord who has not been given his talent or talents. To suggest that there is would be to refute the Word of God and to cast a doubt on the grace of God.

The Word declares, concerning gifts, the “Spirit … [distributes] to each one individually as He wills” (1 Cor. 12:11). Moreover, as is emphasized in this parable, God never expects interest from what He has not given. It is true the slothful servant tried to cast a doubt on the love and justice of God by calling Him “hard” (Matt. 25:24), but his own injustice condemned him in the end. The Lord Jesus says, “My yoke is easy” (Matt. 11:30).

May I be abundantly faithful with the precious gifts God
has entrusted to me, for His Name's sake. Amen.[1]

---------------------------more tomorrow------------------------

Join our “Victory over the Darkness”, “The Bondage Breaker”, "Freedom in Christ" series of Discipleship Classes via the mt4christ247 podcast!

at, You can also find it on Apple podcasts

( The mt4christ247 podcast is also available on Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartradio, and 

These teachings are also available on the MT4Christ247 YouTube Channel:

Email me at to receive the class materials, share your progress, and to be encouraged.

My wife, TammyLyn, also offers Christian encouragement via her Ask Seek Knock blog ( ),  her Facebook Group: Ask, Seek, Knock ( ) and her podcast Ask, Seek, and Knock on Podbean (

“The views, opinions, and commentary of this publication are those of the author, M.T. Clark, only, and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of any of the photographers, artists, ministries, or other authors of the other works that may be included in this publication, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities the author may represent.”

Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship