
Sunday, April 4, 2021

Bible Study with the Cincotti's - "What is Truth?" 04/04/2021

Today's Bible Study, Authored by Arthur Cincotti.  04/04/2021

Listen to our discussion at: Today's Bible Study Discussion Podcast

What Is Truth?


I don’t mean to quote Pontius Pilate, but strongly believe that this is the question of the age.


We live in a truth crisis


Truth is one of those funny words that has the word in the definition.

                  For instance: “the quality, or state of being true”?????

                                Also, “that which is true or in accordance                                                      with          fact or reality

                                And, “a fact or belief that is accepted as true”


The Strong’s Hebrew is “emeth” (H571) Uses synonyms as                                                   “certainty, assured, right, sure, verity”

                  Greek is “aletheia”


In a fallen universe it seems only logical that truth would be uncertain, variable, subjective, and only partially knowable if at all.


Postmodernism, which asserts all of the above is, “in Western philosophy, a late 20th-century movement characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism; a general suspicion of reason; and an acute sensitivity to the role of ideology in asserting and maintaining political and economic power”

                                    Brian Duignan, Sr. editor Ency. Brit.


Mike Cermovich, an alt-right conspiracy theorist, said, “I read postmodernist theory in college. If everything is a narrative, then we need alternatives to the dominant narrative.”


If red is only red because of a socially constructed consensus, then can we ask if anything is bedrock true?

How about, is dead dead? Jesus would seem like a postmodernist because He deconstructs the notion of death.

         Mar.12:27, “He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the                      living.”


Scripture consistently reveals an alternative reality that is purported to be a more substantial reality than the assumed reality.


How about:

         Elisha prayed, “LORD, open his eyes that he may see”

         (II kings. 6:17)

         Jesus on the Mt. of transfiguration; Mt.17:2, Mk. 9:2

         Lk. 2, “and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of                       the heavenly host praising God and singing”


There does seem to be an alternative reality (or narrative) out there that is more compelling than the one most people are living.


How do we access it?


By faith?

Is this a cop out?


Jesus is the truth in the same manner to which God is Love,

Jesus doesn’t just tell the truth

God doesn’t just love.


These are stark absolutes that have no reasonable alternatives.


Pilate was simply confirming the reality he had conformed himself to. A false narrative, or fiction.


How far reaching is the “what is truth” question???



Saturday, April 3, 2021

Purity 383: Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship

Purity 383 04/03/2021 Purity 383 Podcast

Good morning.

Today’s photo of an early morning cloud filled sky near Austin Texas comes from a friend who spent Good Friday selflessly volunteering at Circuit of the Americas for 12 hours helping to vaccinate over 12 thousand people for Covid-19.  They described their day as a non-stop effort of kindness that began with the crisp morning temperatures of 33 degrees that ascended to the sunburning heat of 80 degrees, where volunteers didn’t have much time eat, drink, or use the bathroom, where no one was paid, no one left early, and many ended up sunburnt, “wind-burnt”, dehydrated, tired, and sore. 

They stayed until all who sought a vaccine received one.  After their 12-hour day, the volunteers were shuttled the 20 minutes away to their cars, so that those seeking the vaccines could park closer. 

I know there are several varying opinions about Covid-19, the vaccines developed to prevent it, and the policies that are being suggested to prevent outbreaks in the future. The opinions vary greatly depending on one’s political, social, educational, economic, and religious worldview. 

I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion but as someone who has friends and family that have personally suffered, and or died, from the effects of Covid-19, I support the efforts of those, like my friend, who have selflessly served to combat this disease and to stop its devastating effects.  

It is my prayer that this weekend that instead of being divided by our varying opinions about the state of the world that we can all thank God for His mercy and grace and that we can be united in supporting the tireless efforts of those that are serving others and meeting needs with love regardless of how they may personally feel about the situation that they are in.  

Christ didn’t ask how or why people got sick, He just healed them. I feel that if we are to follow His example we should seek to heal those around us through our efforts to love and serve them regardless of our varying opinions.       

So keep walking and talking with God. If He calls you into service, answer the call. If you don’t know what you should do, pray, and ask for His guidance.  If we seek His wisdom, He will lead us into good works that will reflect His love and give Him glory.

(An Audio version of this message is available at, you can also find it on Apple podcasts ( and Google podcasts ( There is more content at the restricted blog. Follow me on Twitter or MeWe for easy access.  Blog M T 4 Christ dot org – This is where the Facebook post ends.)

This morning’s meditation verse is:

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

 Matthew 6:33 is one of my favorite verses. As I recently stated my mantra and personal advice is to continually seek God. 

 Today’s verse are the words of Jesus Christ that he provided as an answer to the cares of mankind.  The verses prior to this one address mankind’s penchant for worrying about having our needs meant, specifically addressing man’s needs of food, drink, and clothing.  

 Jesus assures his listeners that there is more to life than worrying about these basic needs and that worrying about them doesn’t add a single moment to our lives, Instead Jesus calls us to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and “all these things shall be added to you”.  

 His message is simple but profound.  In general if you are seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness, you would be endeavoring to live a life that was in accordance with the word of God. 

 That would mean that you would live a responsible life based on the Biblical principles which would include being diligent in working honestly to provide for yourself and your loved ones.  Through your efforts to honor God with your life as an expression of your faith, “all these things” – your basic needs, would be added to you.  That’s the simple part. 

 The profound part is that Jesus Himself is the way to the kingdom of God and is also the “righteousness of God”.  Only through putting our faith in Jesus Christ are we given entrance into the kingdom of God. Christ’s work on the Cross pays for our sins and His sinless life is imputed to every believer to make them righteous before the Lord.   

 Also that “responsible life based on Biblical principles” that sounds so simple is only truly possible when we place our faith in Christ and receive the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.  Only by receiving our spiritual life through faith in Christ and walking in the Spirit can we live a righteous life.  Many things will be provided by the sweat of our brow, but a righteous Christian life can only be fueled and sustained by faith.  

 And Finally, I believe that Jesus’ words to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness is a command to continuously seek growth and maturity in our faith and in our relationship with God. 

 I have been walking, okay sometimes stumbling and sometimes crawling, and sometimes being dragged, by faith for over ten years and I can tell you that continually seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness is critical to our maturation and to the growth of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. 

 The kingdom of God, His righteousness, and His wisdom are infinite. So keep seeking God’s kingdom, righteousness, and wisdom because although we have all of eternity to dwell with the Lord and to know Him, the rewards from getting to know Him now are infinite as well!

 I invite all to where I always share insights from prominent Christian counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk. 


Today we will share from Dr. June Hunt’s Biblical Counseling Keys on “Alcohol & Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free.

As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage all to purchase Dr. Hunt’s books for your own private study and to support her work:

F. How to Set Beneficial Boundaries ... With the One Addicted

What Josh Hamilton clearly states, his wife, Katie, no doubt affirms: "I put her through absolute hell for a long time."

And on January 22, 2009, Katie thinks she just may be taking a trip back to the dark side. Sober and drug free for three years, a sobbing Josh calls her from Arizona and says that after encountering a bar at a pizza restaurant he has a drink, then another, then another. Later Josh and Katie's biggest fear as a celebrity couple comes true. Seven months after the relapse pictures emerge of Josh carousing with three young women.

Katie admits the boundary lines had become blurred. They had let their guards down concerning the vulnerability and volatility of Josh's addiction. So now, in addition to staying firmly grounded in Christ, Josh sets for himself "double boundaries" to prevent another relapse. To minimize the temptation to purchase drugs or alcohol, Josh carries no money at all. And monetary allocations for his baseball road trips are always carried by someone else.

Josh never goes out alone at night and never goes out with teammates. And there is a certain someone ... who knows Josh's whereabouts at all times. Johnny Narron, a former first baseman and batting coach who looms large in Josh's life, serves as his mentor, confidante, chaperone, and stalwart brother in Christ. The two always have adjoining rooms on the road, and Johnny stays with Josh if Katie and their four daughters are away.

The boundaries must be firm, rigid, immovable for a recovering addict, and Josh's life is testimony to that truth. "That's why I go to the ballpark, and I go home," Josh says. "Park. Home. Park. Home." Josh takes literally the following Scripture. ...

"Those who disregard discipline despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding."
(Proverbs 15:32)

Boundaries are barriers that protect from external harm and guard against internal harm. Those involved with someone struggling with a chemical dependency need to learn how to set appropriate limits on what they do for their loved one. These boundaries will help prevent you from taking on excessive responsibilities that belong to your loved one. Boundaries serve to keep the addict's problem from becoming your problem. ...

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
(Proverbs 4:23)

As a rule, people like Josh who have chemical dependencies require a tough, hard-hitting approach. Clear nonnegotiable boundaries are necessary to break drug reliance. Addicts need the emotional support of those who will consistently reinforce responsible choices and enforce repercussions of irresponsible actions — thus providing the best opportunity for making positive changes.

  • Ask yourself, "What is my role in this problem? Am I making it easy or difficult for the dependence to continue?"
  • Determine to be a positive influence and plan ways to do that effectively.
  • Write out specific destructive events resulting from the dependency — include everything!
  • Say to the loved one: "I have seen how your behaviors have negatively impacted your life — it's not right for me to keep enabling you to harm yourself. Tell me now that you 'will' or you 'will not' be committed to do whatever is necessary to change."
  • Beware, you could be "loving your loved one to death."

You could be killing your loved one if you have no boundaries. As the Bible says ...

"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."
(Proverbs 14:12)

In your role as both a boundary-setter and boundary-keeper ...

  • Give up all expectations of the addict.

"Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him" (Psalm 62:5).

  • Learn to detach from the addict's problem and maintain control of your own life.

"My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare" (Psalm 25:15).

  • Shift your focus from the addict's behavior to your responses.

"Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord" (Lamentations 3:40).

  • Learn all you can about drug abuse.

"How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!" (Proverbs 16:16).

  • Stop acts that are enabling (making excuses, protecting) and hold your loved one accountable.

"If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up" (Ecclesiastes 4:10).

  • Let the addict know the effects of the addiction on you and on others.

"Each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully ..." (Ephesians 4:25).

  • Pray for and expect God to bring consequences into the addict's life.

"Your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths" (Proverbs 5:21).

Protecting Yourself and Your Children

Question: "When my husband drinks too much, he becomes physically abusive. What should I do to protect myself and my children and still remain biblically submissive to my husband?"

Answer: The Bible never says that a wife — in the name of submission — is to submit to abuse. A husband's substance abuse never gives him the right to dole out any kind of abuse. Conversely, the Bible says, "... do not associate with one easily angered" (Proverbs 22:24). Therefore, communicate your boundaries. Tell him that if he is abusive again, you will call the police. ... He can no longer live at home. ... You will leave with the children. Then you must follow through if he violates the boundary. Realize ...

"A hot-tempered person must pay the penalty; rescue them, and you will have to do it again."
(Proverbs 19:19)

Biblical Counseling Keys - Biblical Counseling Keys – Biblical Counseling Keys: Alcohol & Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free.

----------------------------more on Monday-------------------------


God bless you all!


Join our Victory over the Darkness Discipleship Class via the mt4christ247 podcast!

at, You can also find it on Apple podcasts ( and Google podcasts (

Email me at to receive the class materials, share your progress, and to be encouraged.


Friday, April 2, 2021

Purity 382: Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship

Purity 382 04/02/2021 Purity 382 Podcast

Good morning.

Today’s photo of this heavenly sunrise comes from a friend in Easton, New York who has been participating in our discipleship class via the mt4christ247 podcast.  Since taking the class they find themselves waking up early and beginning their day investing in their faith.  This amazing photo is a result of them looking for the peace that can only come from seeking the Lord because before they decided to walk in the Spirit they would have slept in and missed this sight that they called a “Son-rise” as in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  

Today is Good Friday, and although our friend took this photo on 3/16 (YES, as in John 3:16) I purposefully held off sharing it until today because, I felt it was only fitting to share this “Son-rise” on the day when we remember that Christ died on the cross to pay for the sins of the world, reconciling to God all those who place their faith in Him.

For those not familiar with John 3:16, I just have to share it:

John 3:16 (NKJV)
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

So, now you know. God loves you. He sent Jesus Christ to earth to save us, to give us spiritual life, and to dwell with Him forever.  

While today we remember Christ’s death on the cross, it is even more important to remember that He didn’t stay dead.  Jesus showed He was the Son of God and God the Son by rising from the dead.

His example shows us that we who place our faith in Him will never truly die as we are given spiritual life the moment we believe in Him and we will rise with Him when He returns to reclaim and to renew the earth.  

So although we may be saddened by Christ’s suffering for us, keep your head up because He died so that we could truly live.

This morning’s meditation verse is:

Acts 1:8 (NKJV)
8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

 Today’s verse are the last words that the resurrected Jesus spoke to the Apostles before ascending to heaven.  Prior to this He instructed the Apostles to wait for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to be empowered to be witnesses of Jesus and to share His good news to the ends of the earth.  

 All believers receive the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit when they place their faith in Jesus.   So we all have the Holy Spirit in us to guide us through our conscience and intuition. We also can have a deep sense of His presence when we commune with God in prayer, worship, or Bible study. 

 The Holy Spirit will convict us of our sins and lead us to repentance. He can also lead us into all truth through revelations from God’s word that give us deeper understanding of our faith and can help us to discern the spiritual aspects in life.  Sometimes He can also reveal to us things that are to come as we receive words of knowledge or intuitions of assurances of outcomes that are later proven to be founded in truth that we can’t fully understand. 

 The Holy Spirit will guide those who seek His presence, wisdom, strength by asking for His Infilling.  But when we are attempting to follow the Holy Spirit we do have to be careful that we are not being deceived by ourselves or the enemy. 

 The Holy Spirit can and will do amazing things in your relationship with Him but there are things He will not do:

 He will never contradict the Word of God or the principles in the Word of God.

 So, if you are getting “a word from the spirit”, that leads you into sin or into confusion you can only conclude that you have been deceived or have deceived yourself. 

 The Holy Spirit’s ministry is to glorify the work of Jesus Christ. That’s why the Apostles had to wait to receive His baptism: to be empowered for ministry.  The evidence of the Holy Spirit’s power in the Apostle’s lives was the incredible growth of the church that followed their receiving the Holy Spirit’s baptism.   

 So as we seek to walk in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit should lead us into a life that glorifies God and the work and wisdom of Jesus Christ specifically.   The Holy Spirit’s power in our lives will be evidenced by our personal progressive sanctification and the good works that we do to build up the body of Christ and to welcome others into God’s kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ.   

 So follow the Holy Spirit’s leadings, ask Him for an infilling of His power when you need it, but be sure to be discerning so that you aren’t led astray by your own ideas or counterfeit thoughts that come from the world or the enemy.   

 We are not perfect, and we may make mistakes along the way but as long as we make sure that the guidance we take lines us with the word of God and its wisdom we can know that we are walking with the Spirit in the direction of God’s plan for our lives.

 I invite all to where I always share insights from prominent Christian counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk. 


Today we will share from Dr. June Hunt’s Biblical Counseling Keys on “Alcohol & Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free.

As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage all to purchase Dr. Hunt’s books for your own private study and to support her work:

E. How to Recover, Using 10 Spiritual Steps

True freedom must first be gained in the spiritual realm before it can be experienced in the physical, emotional, and relational realms. Take to heart the following steps as you walk down the road to recovery, which is the same road Josh Hamilton traveled.

Without a spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ, Josh believes he never could have become sober and drug free. In Josh's own words: "I went through eight different drug treatment and rehabilitation clinics, but my personal resurrection did not come from a group session or a therapist's couch. I know the twelve steps by heart, but my healing did not come from a strict adherence to those principles. Instead, my life changed from hopeless to hope-filled when I turned to God and asked for His help. I recognized my failings and, most important, my inability to heal myself"

Josh is fully aware of the truth of the following Scripture. ...

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
(Psalm 73:26)

  1. Decide, the time to begin your recovery is today.

"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts ..." (Hebrews 3:15).

  1. Realize, recovery is a lifelong process, not a onetime event.

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me" (Philippians 3:12).

  1. Pray daily for victory! It is through prayer that God protects you.

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:41).

  1. Read your Bible every day in order to get strength from God.

"My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word" (Psalm 119:28).

  1. Meditate on Scripture to fight against falling into sin.

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11).

  1. Attend church every week to worship God and to grow with others.

"Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together... but encouraging one another ..." (Hebrews 10:24-25).

  1. Share your struggles with caring loved ones.

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed" (James 5:16).

  1. Have confidence in God! Prioritize growing in your relationship with Him.

"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33).

  1. Depend on Christ's strength to stay drug free.

"I can do all this through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13).

  1. Know that permanent change is possible.

"Jesus looked at them and said, '... with God all things are possible'" (Matthew 19:26).

His Supernatural Power

Question: "I am a recovering addict but I've continued to relapse. Recently, I've become a Christian, and now I feel that God has delivered me. Is that possible?"

Answer: Some Christians do receive a supernatural deliverance from drugs, while others do not. No matter which is true in your case, by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, there is good news for you. When you received authentic salvation, you not only were saved from the penalty of sin, but were also saved from the power of sin. Drugs are no longer your master — Jesus is now your Master. Although this struggle may be a target for spiritual attack or a weakness of past sinful patterns, through the power of Christ living in you, you can rely on His power to overcome temptation by making right decisions after right decisions after right decisions. ...

"We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin. ... For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace."
(Romans 6:6, 14)

Biblical Counseling Keys - Biblical Counseling Keys – Biblical Counseling Keys: Alcohol & Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free.

----------------------------more tomorrow-------------------------


God bless you all!


Join our Victory over the Darkness Discipleship Class via the mt4christ247 podcast!

at, You can also find it on Apple podcasts ( and Google podcasts (

Email me at to receive the class materials, share your progress, and to be encouraged.

 Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Purity 381:Encouragement for the Path of Christian Discipleship


Purity 381 04/01/2021 Purity 381 Podcast

Good morning.

Today’s photo was captured by yours truly right in front of my quaint homestead “Down by the River”.   I do not have a green thumb by any means, but the previous owners of my home had a real passion for flowers, and I am happy to see that these trumpeting daffodils were secretly waiting beneath the earth to make a reappearance when spring decide to come to life.  I love that these daffodils just sprang up through no effort of my own.  They are a truly a gift of delight from the Lord Himself and it makes me appreciate my home even more, which at I didn’t think was possible. My home is truly a gift that keeps on giving as I rejoice in the peace that God has brought me to.

With Resurrection Sunday, aka Easter, this weekend, it is easy to see why the symbolism of the spring season that is represented by flowers, eggs, and baby animals have been used to express the new life that is found in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.   

In the past, I was highly annoyed by those cute generic springtime symbols because they only confused and bewildered me in my angsty youth when I was not in a covenant relationship with the Lord but now I can appreciate them because I know that the life-giving Spirit of God is equally displayed in creation as well as in the Resurrection. 

With a proper understanding of God as The Sovereign King and Creator, I know now that you can’t take away God’s glory because He is responsible for the flourishing of the springtime fauna, the birth of the next generation of life, and the miraculous gift of redemption to those who place their faith in Jesus Christ. 

He is also responsible for the new life that is possible to experience for those who make Jesus their Lord and Savior and decide to follow Him with the way they live their lives. 

Its Thursday, and I teach the discipleship class tonight that is intended to help others walk in the Spirit, leave their darkness and personal conflicts in the past, and to come to realize their freedom in Christ.  

When we place our faith in Jesus and dedicate our lives to Him, we spring forth in newness of life like a daffodil coming out of the ground.  Our new lives in Christ are beautiful and declare His glory.   

So keep walking and talking with God because, man, you are beautiful, and people need to see that!  

(An Audio version of this message is available at, you can also find it on Apple podcasts ( and Google podcasts ( There is more content at the restricted blog. Follow me on Twitter or MeWe for easy access.  Blog M T 4 Christ dot org – This is where the Facebook post ends.)

This morning’s meditation verse is:

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)
14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 

Today’s verse really shows the heart of God for the people of the earth.  This verse comes from the Old Testament and the context of this inspiring verse might surprise you like it did me.   

As I always say: context is king when it comes to biblical interpretation and I was prepared to just discuss the highlights of this verse such as:

·       Humbling ourselves – We should definitely do that, 

·       Praying to God - Do that every day, several times a day if you can.   

·       Seek God – That is like my Christian mantra – all the blessings I have experienced and all the growth I have enjoyed is rooted in my continually seeking the Lord’s presence, strength, and wisdom.  

·       Turning from our wicked ways -Hello, repentance is the process of changing our worldly ways and exchanging them for God’s ways of living that lead to peace and wholeness

·       He will hear us from Heaven – God hears us! He cares. He loves us. He is present and available for us.  

·       God will forgive our sin! – All our sins are forgiven through our faith in Jesus Christ.  

 As you can see this verse is filled with some awesome things about God and our relationship with Him! 

 It even says that God will “heal their land”.    

 Not surprisingly, I have seen this verse thrown out there on social media as a prayer asking our those in our country to turn to God as a remedy to Covid-19 and the social and political unrest that we have all witnessed during the past year.    

 While I fully agree with the sentiment that everyone should come to faith in Jesus Christ and that God’s answer for mankind is truly the only solution to man’s problems, there is something we must understand about God that is clearly revealed by the context of this verse.  

 God is sovereign.  That means God’s in charge.  God is also Omniscient.  That means God knows everything.  Covid-19 and all the unrest didn’t surprise God and He is not struggling to combat the problems of man.  He knew what was coming and He knows where it is going.  

 The verse before this inspiring verse in 2 Chronicles 7, demonstrates just why God would have to “heal their land”.  

 2 Chronicles 7:13 (NKJV)

13 When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people,

 God needs to heal their land in these verses, because He is the One who sent the judgement in the forms of draught, locusts, and pestilence among His people in the first place!   

 So as our world seeks a proven cure to Covid-19 and to all the division among us, we need to realize that God stands above it all and that the only safety that we can expect is within a covenant relationship with Him through our faith in Jesus Christ.  

 Human history is the tale of generations of humanity rising and falling through wars, famine, and disease.  Our earth is the testing ground of suffering caused by our sinful disobedience and can only be remedied by God.  

 So find your peace in your relationship with God, share the hope that He brings, and rejoice knowing that your faith in Christ will one day deliver you from this world of suffering into His kingdom where there will be no disease, death, or discord.  

 There is suffering in the world, but God has overcome the world and He will deliver us from all our sufferings.

 Trust the Lord for He is good. He knows it all and controls it all. He has saved us and will bring us through it all for His glory.  

 I invite all to where I always share insights from prominent Christian counselors to assist my brothers and sisters in Christ with their walk. 


Today we will share from Dr. June Hunt’s Biblical Counseling Keys on “Alcohol & Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free.

As always, I share this information for educational purposes and encourage all to purchase Dr. Hunt’s books for your own private study and to support her work:

D. How to Recognize the 7 Don'ts for Deliverance

"It's hard to look back. But you learn from it. ... I want to make a difference, not because I hit home runs, but because I changed my life. If I can, anyone can. It is never too late."

Reading Mickey Mantle's words, there is no doubt they were uttered by a man whose life had experienced deliverance through the power of Christ. And the message Mickey sent to struggling addicts was a very important "don't"... "don't ever give up."

Bobby Richardson's life also modeled the concept "don't ever give up." Bobby never gave up on his former fellow Yankee. How blessed "the Mick" was to have a faithful friend who consistently shared the hope of Christ with him. Bobby represented the heart of this passage ... "My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins" (James 5:19-20).

At Mickey's funeral, Bobby told 2,000 mourners and a national TV audience that there are only two groups of people: those who say "yes" to Christ and those who say "no." He added that since none of us knows when we will face our own final inning, death, saying "maybe" is really saying "no."

Bobby knew that in the final inning of his friend's life, Mickey said "yes," and crossed over from death to life. As Jesus said ...

"Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."
(John 5:24)

As you go through the process of deliverance from dependency, knowing what not to do can be just as helpful as knowing what to do. So, as you practice living in the truth of God's Word ...

  1. Don't fight addiction on your own. Participate in a legitimate recovery program.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

  1. Don't be blind about your ability to lie to yourself and to others!

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9).

  1. Don't socialize with those who encourage your habit.

"Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character'" (1 Corinthians 15:33).

  1. Don't worry about the future. Walk with God one day at a time.

"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:34).

  1. Don't give up if you relapse. It is never too late for you to get back on track.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).

  1. Don't become prideful as you succeed in the recovery process.

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18).

  1. Don't be surprised at temptation!

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Overcoming the Habit

Question: "When I became a Christian a year ago, I kicked cocaine and marijuana for eight months. But now I'm back on marijuana with no motivation to quit. How can I overcome this habit?"

Answer: Motivation is a vital factor in overcoming any addiction. The more you realize that you are not only causing great harm to yourself, but also grieving the heart of God, the more you will have "good guilt," which can produce the motivation you lack. The Bible says we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, which is another key to overcoming a destructive habit. You previously relied on the power of Christ within you, but along the way your focus changed, and you left your power source.

Rather than focusing on what you shouldn't do, focus on being conformed to the character of Christ.

Repent from doing what merely pleases you and do the things you did when you were first saved. ...

"I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love [Jesus] you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first."
(Revelation 2:4-5)

Biblical Counseling Keys - Biblical Counseling Keys – Biblical Counseling Keys: Alcohol & Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free.

----------------------------more tomorrow-------------------------


God bless you all!


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